
Titan mosfet for Tokyo Marui Next Generation V2. Fullset

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  • Normalpris 1.399,95 kr
  • 1 tilgængelige
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Drop-in mosfet type TITAN™ controllersæt forvandler Tokyo Marui V2 Next Generation Recoil Shock til en avanceret træningsreplika. Det giver en taktisk fordel takket være en lynhurtig trigger-reaktionstid med mulighed for at modificere replikaen og tilpasse den til enhver mission ved hjælp af 20 tilgængelige funktioner.

TITAN™ provides new possibilities:

- Justering af triggerfølsomhed
- Pre-cocking boost - justering af det tidspunkt, hvor fjederen holdes trukket (forkorter tiden mellem et tryk på aftrækkeren og affyring)
- Justering af fire modes
- Burst-tilstand
- Firehastighedsjustering
- Giver besked om lavt batteriniveau
- Beskytter batteriet mod skader
- "Sniper forsinkelse"

Titan selv skriver:

TITAN™ Controller Set includes:

  1. GATE™ kontrolstation Opdater normalt firmwaren og/eller foretag driverjustering hjemmefra ved hjælp af en USB-forbindelse og et computerprogram. Tilslut og juster din replika ved hjælp af en computer eller en bærbar computer! USB-tilslutning / stik USB-stikket fungerer i samarbejde med GATE™-kontrolstationen og giver fuld adgang til alle funktioner, der tilbydes af TITAN™, samt gør det muligt at udføre softwareopdateringer af kontrolenheden, der er installeret i en replika, samt det taktiske programmeringskort.

More comprehensive description of TITAN™ controller:

III generation proximity sensor allows controlling the trigger sensitivity. There is no need to disassemble the replica, all that is necessary is to use the GATE™ control station. It will allow adapting the replica to the skills and individual preferences of the User.

Two sensors can be programmed in three ways to select one of 6 functions:
- SAFE-SEMI-BURST*/AUTO (short squeeze-and-hold - BURST, long trigger squeeze-and-hold AUTO)
- SAFE-BURST*-AUTO (SAFE via a rapid mode selection, when: SAFE-SEMI-SAFE)
*BURST means firing a series of rounds.

TITAN™ control unit can accurately detect the position that a cycle should end at. Thanks to that, the squeeze of a trigger causes a completion of a full firing cycle (replicas without TITAN™ system often jam when the trigger has been squeezed for a too short of a time if it does not end with a shot. TITAN™ eliminates this defect.).
This results in:
- Automatic BURST mode, there is no need to set the time of the cycle of this series, the only thing necessary is to determine how many BBs are to be fired
- Automatic Pre-Cocking, which is available in every mode in the following fire mode selector settings: SEMI BURST and AUTO. In comparison to ordinary MOSFET modules, there is no need to configure this setting manually. All that is required is to set the power of the spring pre-cocking.
- ALWAYS COMPLETED FULL CYCLE - when pre-cocking is turned-off, TITAN™ will ensure that the gearbox will complete a full cycle and after firing the spring will be released. Thanks to this, a greater reliability of the replica is achieved.

Winning a duel often depends on fractions of a second, that is why thanks to pre-cocking the trigger reacts with a speed that can be compared to that of a real firearm. The spring is pulled beforehand, so at the same time, we caution that usage of this mode with powerful springs will lead to a faster wear of internal parts of a replica.
There are two modes of PRE-COCKING function:
1. AUTO - the spring is pulled after every shot
2. SMART - the spring is pulled in advance by a slow squeeze of the trigger and a shot is fired by a rapid squeeze.
Three modes of operation can programmed for PRE-COCKING: HIGH / MID / LOW - each regulates the spring sprain in different levels

*PRE-COCKING mode operates now in all fire mode selector modes: SEMI, BURST, AUTO and does not require manual calibration

BURST (Gen.2)
BURST mode, i.e. firing with a pre-programmed series of rounds requires only the selection of the amount of BBs to be fired (up to 10 BBs per trigger squeeze). It is very useful in all MILSIMs or when using real/low-cap magazines.

This allows to reduce the rate of fire of the replica. This allows to use more powerful Li-Po batteries and still maintain a rate of fire compliant with real firearms.

Allows to change the way ROF CONTROL operates:
- ON - RoF Control regulates the cycle speed, which allows a gearbox to operate smoothly and with a lesser wear of the replica’s internal parts
- OFF - RoF control adds pauses between every shot in order to reduce the rate of fire. This provides very realistic experience.

This function allows to set a delay between every shot in SEMI mode in order to simulate reload delay or recoil compensation. It is possible to set the following delay: 0.5 s, 1.0 s, 2.0 s and 3.0 s.

A detailed description of all functions is available on the manufacturer’s website: http://www.gatee.eu/

The full manual is available at the below address:


The set includes:

- TITAN Drop-In module
- USB plug for the control unit using GATE Control Station app
- assembly kit
- Quick Start Guide (English)